Beginning today, we invite anyone in the community, DuraSpace members or non-members, to nominate an individual who you believe would be a good representative for the community. All nominees must be from DuraSpace member organizations (see full list here) and Board-Member-at-Large candidates should be at the senior management level at their organizations, having fiscal and staffing responsibility. And of course, they will, in your judgment, be able to bring the commitment, creativity, and dedication that the role calls for. Self-nominations are welcome and you may submit more than one nomination.
Please submit your nomination/s using this Nomination Form by October 13, 2017.
The DuraSpace Board of Directors plays a key role in setting the strategic direction and priorities of the DuraSpace non-profit organization. The Board-Member-at-Large is nominated by the community and elected by DuraSpace Members.
DuraSpace Organization Board of Directors Role
The Board of Directors work with the DuraSpace CEO, Debra Hanken Kurtz, helping to set the strategic direction and priorities of DuraSpace. The responsibilities include:
Determining the organization’s mission and purposes
Hiring and ongoing support of the Chief Executive Officer
Building strategic relationships, including making connections to potential supporters, funders, customers, stakeholders; enabling the building of alliances, partnerships, and business relationships
Fiscal oversight and risk management, including review and approval of corporate financial reports and high-level decision making to ensure the fiscal health of the organization
Reviewing and approving business, revenue-generating, and fundraising strategies
Monitoring the organization’s programs and services
Enhancing the organization’s public image
The Board-Member-at-Large serves a two-year term. The next term begins this November and ends October 31, 2019. The Board meets twice per year in-person and holds 2-4 conference call meetings annually.
Next Steps
At the end of the nomination process each nominee will be asked to confirm their willingness to stand for election and asked to submit a brief personal statement. The election will take place at the end of October, with each Member organization’s Community Liaison casting a vote based on the direction of their organization. The new Board-Member-at-Large will be announced in November! Please contact Kristi Searle or Debra Hanken Kurtz with any questions.