The DuraSpace Registry currently features more than 2,500 DSpace, Fedora and VIVO installations from around the world. With the completion of the DuraSpace and Lyrasis merger on July 1, 2019, CollectionSpace and ArchivesSpace instances will also be highlighted in the Registry to reflect the growing DuraSpace Community Supported Programs Division of Lyrasis, which encompasses ArchivesSpace, CollectionSpace, DSpace, Fedora, and VIVO. The newly merged organization creates a single dynamic organization that will drive scalable change, support new and existing community-supported open source technologies and deliver high-value services to its members and communities.
The DuraSpace Registry is created by open technology users who are interested in having their open source, open access sites registered in order to widely share information about their digital resources and institutional technical strategies. The Registry is used by individuals and institutions to learn more about how open technologies are being implemented around the world and answers the question, “Who’s Using ArchivesSpace, CollectionSpace, DSpace, Fedora, and VIVO?”
Registering is voluntary. Please use this form to register your ArchivesSpace, CollectionSpace, DSpace, Fedora or VIVO installation: Please note that questions specific to each technology will only appear if the specific technology is selected.