DSpace 7 Preview Release is available: 4Science is a major contributor to the creation of this new version, together with other contributors from the community.
4Science has been awarded for the implementation of the OpenAIRE-CRIS-CERIF Guidelines in DSpace-CRIS. The main objectives of this implementation are to:
- realize the implementation of the latest OpenAIRE Guidelines for CRIS Managers in DSpace-CRIS
- enable DSpace-CRIS platforms to expose research information to OpenAIRE.
This month, 4Science participated in the following events, with multiple roles, as speaker, partner, and sponsor:
- COAR 2019 Annual Meeting, May 21-23, Lyon (France)
- euroCRIS Membership Meeting Spring 2019, May 27-29, Helsinki (Finland)
Here’s where we’ll be next month:
- GARR conference 2019, June 4-6, Turin (Italy)
- Open Repositories 2019 (OR2019), June 10-13, Hamburg (Germany)
- OAI11, June 19-21, Geneva (Switzerland)
Let’s meet there and talk about FAIR Open Science!