Background and group scope
Over the past several years, new ORCID features and increased community uptake have introduced opportunities for ORCID to serve as open infrastructure for automating aspects of repository workflow.
While some repositories have developed sophisticated infrastructure that leverages ORCID to automate workflow, support for ORCID is available out of the box in only a few open source and vendor supplied systems. This means that many institutions that don’t have the resources to customize a system or develop an entirely home-grown solution are unable to make full use of ORCID in their repositories.
To improve workflow automation, author disambiguation, and visibility of repository content using the community-driven infrastructure that ORCID provides, we need better ORCID integration in more repository systems. The ORCID in Repositories Task Force will provide input on repository community needs regarding ORCID and on a set of recommendations for supporting ORCID in repository platforms that will help guide repository system developers.
Charge and Deliverables
This group is charged with reviewing and providing feedback on the proposed recommendations for supporting ORCID in repository systems, including considering:
At what points in repository workflows are ORCID iDs most useful/relevant?
What are the current challenges in using ORCID in repositories?
What ORCID features would be most helpful to include in a repository platform?
The group will develop a set of recommendations to guide repository system developers in designing and building ORCID features. These will be released for public comment before being finalized.
This group will also review and feedback on survey questions that will be used to assess community interest in features proposed in the above recommendations.
Formation & membership
Membership of this group is voluntary, and we invite participation by individuals who have an interest in the topic — including repository providers, repository managers, librarians, IT staff, and research administration staff. The group will be chaired by Michele Mennielli, International Membership and Partnership Manager at DuraSpace. Michele will be supported by Liz Krznarich, ORCID Frontend Tech Lead. ORCID will recognize group members on its website.
To encourage a “safe space” for frank conversations, discussions during meetings and online conversation will be kept confidential; meetings and other communications including document comments will be considered closed. As with other ORCID task forces, activity, status and outcomes of the group will be shared with the ORCID Board. The group will also share its draft recommendations publicly, for comment by the community, before they are finalized.
Expected effort
We expect the group to attend three one-hour web meetings over the course of three to four months, starting in July 2018, and to dedicate about four hours to reviewing documents outside of the meetings. ORCID staff will generate draft documents, provide logistical support, and take meeting notes.
Meeting 1: Introduce members and review group charge. Discuss survey questions (draft circulated in advance), problems being addressed, and review proposed recommendations.
Homework: Comment on the proposed recommendation.
Meeting 2: Discuss comments on the proposed recommendations and merge comments into a draft recommendation for public comment.
Homework: Comment on draft recommendation.
Meeting 3: Review public comments and finalize recommendations.
For additional information about the working group, please contact us.