It has been a busy summer here at 4Science, with the new release of DSpace-CRIS and the ongoing development of DSpace 7. September will be even more exciting, with two important appointments, in order to share our ideas about the best way to use DSpace in different contexts.
During the last months 4Science developers released both DSpace-CRIS 5.7.0 and DSpace-CRIS 6RC2 (based on DSpace 6.2).
The 5.7 version of DSpace-CRIS is built on top of the recent security fix release DSpace JSPUI 5.7:
This version includes the bug fixes from DSpace 5.7 and provides new functionalities to DSpace-CRIS. Among the new features we would like to outline:
1. Hierarchy metadata support for DSpace items (new addition from the RC): it is now possible to configure one or more metadata as child of another one. If the parent metadata is repeatable, adding an additional value for the parent metadata will allow to input values also for the linked child metadata. Currently only text-based (onebox) metadata can be used as child metadata but support for the other input types will be added in subsequent minor releases
2. Signposting support: DSpace-CRIS is more machine-friendly than ever. It now supports the following signposting patterns (http:// Author, Identifier, Publication Boundary.
You can read more details about new features and improvements here.
The official demo of DSpace-CRIS 5.7 can be found here.
Our collaboration with the University of Hasselt proceed smoothly and we have started the development phase, after having shared with the whole community our project plan and the wireframe mockups for the submission features that will be contributed to DSpace 7
September will be even more busy and exciting.
On September 18th, during the “International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries” in Thessaloniki, 4Science will hold a tutorial to introduce attendees to DSpace-GLAM and to its new add-ons for digital cultural resources fruition and analysis.
DSpace-GLAM (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums), is a Digital Library Management System based on DSpace and DSpace-CRIS.
DSpace-GLAM is an additional open-source configuration for the DSpace platform. It extends the DSpace data model, providing the ability to manage, collect and expose data about every entity important for the cultural heritage domain, such as persons, events, places, concepts and so on.
Last but not least, on 21st September, 4Science will take part in the fourth German DSpace User Group Meeting, organized by Fraunhofer IRB, Stuttgart University Library and The Library Code at the University of Stuttgart. 4Science experts will lead the round table in the afternoon about DSpace-CRIS.