DuraSpace recently announced the first Country-specific Webinar Series with support from Neki IT, a Brazilian Certified DSpace Contributor. In this series different Brazilian institutions present their experiences with DSpace. As a Country-specific series, the webinars will be offered in the Portuguese language.

This new initiative supported by DuraSpace in collaboration with community members is intended to support the Brazilian community in sharing know-how, best practices and use cases on how to implement DSpace to provide open access to many valuable cultural and scientific resources.

Additionally to better enable communications within the Brazilian DSpace community, there is now an official and dedicated WIKI pages for the Brazilian User Group and a Slack channel under the broader DSpace channel (more information here).

The second webinar in the series presented LUME, a digital repository of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul that allows access to digital collections of materials produced within the University. During the webinar the LUME’s team presented their experience with DSpace, addressing the features of the repository they use and the difficulties they encountered in implementation. A recording off this webinar will be made available.

The third webinar will offer the IBICT (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia) perspective on DSpace, presenting reasons why IBICT believes in DSpace as an important instrument for sharing knowledge about building digital repositories while also demonstrating the importance of Open Source tools that enable access to information. Please register here: https://goo.gl/forms/rT2Nc7qfSc8kQJGm1