PCG Academia and Jagiellonian University organized a national conference entitled "Digital academic repositories: people, tools and directions for change." The event was held on March 14-15, 2024 on the campus of Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland, and coincided with the tenth anniversary of the UJ Repository, of which PCG Academia is the provider and operator.
One panel focused on the ongoing worldwide process of migrating DSpace-based scientific repositories to DSpace 7. Representatives of three Polish universities, which over the past few months, carried out a successful transition to DSpace 7 and significantly developed and adapted the tool to their needs, spoke in the discussion. Mr. Dr. Leszek Szafranski (Deputy Director of the Jagiellonian Library), Ms. Magdalena Rowińska (Deputy Director of the University of Warsaw Library), Ms. Dorota Wojewoda (Director of the Library of the University of Economics in Poznan) and Ms. Olimpia Małecka (Head of the Scientific Information Branch, Poznań University of Life Sciences) shared their experiences. The panel was moderated by Mr. Piotr Masalski of PCG Academia. For more information on this session, please visit the PCG Academia blog.
The culmination of the two days of the conference was a panel on relevant tools and ideas for unlocking the potential of science and research nationally and internationally - from the university repository to the CRIS system. Three different perspectives were presented during the debate. Mr. Marek Michajłowicz spoke on behalf of the Information Processing Center (People of Science system), Mr. Tomasz Psonka on behalf of Elsevier (PURE system), and Michele Mennielli on behalf of the non-profit organization Lyrasis. For more information on this talk, please visit the PCG Academia blog.
Contact us
For more information about PCG Academia's DSpace services, please refer to this site. Contact us by email at info@pcgacademia.pl or phone number +48 17 777 37 00