Members of Duraspace are among leaders of institutions from all over the world who share a belief that our digital scientific and cultural heritage should be preserved and made accessible for future generations. Members of DuraSpace have been invited to become part of a conversation that aims to begin an investigation into what it will take to sustain the emerging set of open technologies that underpin the open scholarly ecosystem we all depend on.

The recording and slides from “The Future Will Be Open?” series kick-off webinar on May 17: “The 2.5% Commitment: Investing in Open” are now available. This webinar focused on David Lewis’ proposal for a 2.5% investment in open infrastructure and how it aims to make visible the investments academic libraries make in open infrastructure and content. It also reviewed actions that have taken place in the past nine months to advance these ideas. For background on the “Invest in Open Initiative” see the initiative website at: and a recent College & Research Library News article describing the initiative at: Access the recording and slides here:

To support the work of our members and beyond DuraSpace has a full schedule of community and members-only webinars for 2018:

Community webinars are open to everyone and provide hands-on training, tools, tips and information for users and potential users of our community-supported open source technologies and services. Hot Topics webinar series dive into topics that are of interest to the community with webinars offered by community experts, that deal with issues bubbling to the top of every to-do list. Hot Topics webinars are curated and presented by community experts. All webinars are recorded. Slides and recordings are made openly available after each Hot Topics webinar.

Why are Hot Topics live web seminars exclusive for DuraSpace members?

Our members are actively engaged in determining how to move forward towards a more open scholarly ecosystem. Attending Hot Topics webinars is one benefit that we offer our members to aid in collaborative consideration of common issues and potential solutions as an exclusive benefit of being a DuraSpace member.