DSpace 7: Free Webinars in November

October 13, 2022By Jennifer BielewskiDSpace, News

We are delighted to invite DSpace users to an upcoming series of online workshops for DSpace 7. Please join us for an opportunity to learn more about the features and functionalities the community has come together to shape for this newest release. These events are also designed to be a space to ask questions and … Read More

NOW AVAILABLE: DSpace 7.0 Beta 2

April 22, 2020By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized

The DSpace Leadership Group, the DSpace Committers and LYRASIS are proud to announce that DSpace 7.0 Beta 2 is now available for download and testing. Beta 2 is the second scheduled Beta release provided for community feedback and to introduce the new features of the 7.0 platform. As a Beta release, we highly advise against … Read More

NOW AVAILABLE: DSpace 7.0 Beta 1

March 4, 2020By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized

The DSpace Leadership Group, the DSpace Committers and LYRASIS are proud to announce that DSpace 7.0 Beta 1 is now available for download and testing.  Beta1 is the first of several scheduled Beta releases provided for community feedback and to introduce the new features of the 7.0 platform. As a Beta release, we do not … Read More

DSpace 5 & 6 Extension Will Soon Enable Support for New OpenAIRE Literature Guidelines

December 3, 2019By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized

From Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director, COAR (Confederation of Open Access Repositories) Several Canadian research libraries are providing funding to ensure that the vast majority of DSpace repositories around the world can be discovered through OpenAIRE, an international database of open scholarly content. Quality and comprehensive metadata are a critical requirement for building discovery and other … Read More

News from 4Science–November 2019: Report From German institutions

November 26, 2019By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized

From Susanna Mornati, 4Science On November 18 in Münster (Germany, EU) the First International DSpace-CRIS User Group Meeting was held as a satellite event of the euroCRIS Membership Meeting, thanks to the hospitality of the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster (WWU). 4Science, together with The Library Code and other organizations in the DSpace-CRIS community, such as the Hamburg University of … Read More

Welcome New LYRASIS Clients

November 25, 2019By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized

LYRASIS Digital Technology Services is pleased to welcome the following new clients to LYRASIS hosted ArchivesSpace, CollectionSpace, DSpaceDirect, DuraCloud, Islandora, and Library Simplified services! Canadian University Dubai City of Somerville, MA Connecticut State Library Denver Botanic Gardens Montana State Library Queen’s University Belfast University of Nebraska Omaha Valdosta State University

Invitation from the Mexican DSpace Users Group: “Installation, Configuration and Customization DSpace 6.3

November 6, 2019By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized

The Mexican DSpace Users Group is pleased to offer the community the opportunity to register for a virtual course on “Installation, Configuration and Customization DSpace 6.3” with Sheyla Salazar Waldo y Julian Timal Tlachi from the Mexican DSpace Users Group. The objective of this course is to explain how DSpace software (version 6.3) is installed … Read More

Announcing the First International DSpace-CRIS User Group Meeting

November 5, 2019By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized

From Susanna Mornati, 4Science 4Science, together with The Library Code and other organizations in the DSpace-CRIS community, such as the Hamburg University of Technology, the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, the Georg-August-University Goettingen, the Otto-Friedrich-University Bamberg, the University of Bern, the University of Trieste, invite all  institutions interested in DSpace-CRIS, the free open-source Research Information Management System (aka CRIS/RIMS), to join … Read More

New Features for DSpace 5 and 6 ORCID Integration

October 22, 2019By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized

REST API extensions, allow you to view and manipulate ORCiDs on DSpace items, ORCID iD badges next to author names and advanced search support, are now available in a new open source patch thanks to KAUST. KAUST (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology) has issued a new DSpace patch that significantly extends default features available in ORCID … Read More

Open Polytechnic of New Zealand live on DSpace Express

October 22, 2019By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized

In a record time of less than one month, OPNZ was live on Atmire’s DSpace Express service. It is hard to imagine two places being further apart than Leuven, near Brussels, Belgium and Lower Hutt, near Wellington, New Zealand. Despite the 11 hours time zone difference, the Open Polytechnic of New Zealand (OPNZ) team members … Read More