Library of Congress Survey: Are You Ready to Provide Long-term Access?

November 29, 2016By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized No Comments

From Barrie Howard, Internship and Fellowship Programs, Library of Congress Washington, DC  How prepared is your organization to provide long-term, durable access to its mission-critical digital content? What skills and experience do staff need to address the digital preservation needs of your organization? The Library of Congress Digital Preservation Outreach and Education (DPOE) Program,, is … Read More

AVAILABLE: DSpace-CRIS 5.6 and DSpace-CKAN

November 29, 2016By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized No Comments

From Andrea Bollini, Chief Technology and Innovation Officer,4Science On November 16, 4Science announced to the DSpace Community the release of the 5.6(.1) version of DSpace-CRIS built on top of DSpace JSPUI 5.6: Together with the new version, at the same time we released a new add-on module for DSpace(-CRIS) named DSpace-CKAN: You can take … Read More

Thank you to Our 2016 Members

November 29, 2016By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized, VIVO No Comments

Austin, TX  The 2016 DuraSpace Membership Campaign closed at the end of October. By joining DuraSpace this year 159 members are now connected with the DSpace, Fedora and VIVO projects they depend on. DuraSpace members become open source project part-owners who actively help advance project goals by participating in project governance. Thank you to all … Read More

DSpace Workshop in Chile: Innovación en Repositorios Digitales Dspace

November 14, 2016By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized No Comments

Santiago, Chile  On December 6, 2017 the Universidad La República and Prodigio Consultores, a DuraSpace Registered Service provider specializing in digital information management projects, are set to offer a one-day workshop. Highlights will include discussions of good engineering practices and examples of DSpace technical implementations including development of statistics and usage metrics. In addition success stories will be shared … Read More

Welcome to DSpace Committer Art Lowel

November 10, 2016By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized No Comments

From Tim Donohue, DSpace Tech Lead for DuraSpace on behalf of the DSpace Committers Group Austin, TX  The DSpace Committers are delighted to announce a new member to the team: Art Lowel from Atmire. Please join us in welcoming him! Art holds a degree in computer science from KU Leuven in Belgium. He got acquainted with … Read More

CALL for Proposals: ALA International Relations Round Table (IRRT) Committee at ALA 2017

November 10, 2016By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized No Comments

From Paromita Biswas, Western Carolina University, Hunter Library Cullowhee, NC  The American Library Association, International Papers and Projects Committee invites proposals for presentations to be made at the next ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, Illinois, USA June 22-27, 2017. Presentations will be delivered at the International Papers Session scheduled in June 2017. The International Papers and Projects … Read More

CALL for OR2017 DSpace Interest Group Proposals

November 8, 2016By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized No Comments

From Allison Brown, Digital Services Coordinator, University of Otago Join us for the DSpace Interest Group sessions at Open Repositories 2017 [1] to meet other DSpace users and developers and share your experiences with one another. Whether you’re a developer, researcher, repository manager, administrator or practitioner, we would like to hear from you. The DSpace … Read More

NOW AVAILABLE: DSpace 6.0–API Enhancements and New Features

October 25, 2016By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized No Comments

From Tim Donohue, DSpace Tech Lead for DuraSpace, on behalf of the DSpace developers I would like to formally announce that DSpace 6.0 is now available!  DSpace 6 provides significant API enhancements and new features to the DSpace platform. DSpace 6.0 can be downloaded immediately from: 6.0 Release notes are available at: In addition, you … Read More

Telling DSpace Stories at The National Library of Finland with Samu Viita

October 17, 2016By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized No Comments

“Telling DSpace Stories” is a community-led initiative aimed at introducing project leaders and their ideas to one another while providing details about DSpace implementations for the community and beyond. The following interview conducted by Carol Minton Morris with Samu Viita includes personal observations that may not represent the opinions and views of the National Library … Read More

AVAILABLE: DSpace 5.6–Provides Security and Bug Fixes to 5.0

October 14, 2016By InfoDSpace, Uncategorized No Comments

From Tim Donohue, DSpace tech lead on behalf of the DSpace developers Austin, TX  DSpace 5.6 is now available providing security fixes to the XMLUI, JSPUI and REST API, along with bug fixes to the DSpace 5.x platform. DSpace 5.5 can be downloaded immediately from: 5.5 Release notes are available at: 5.6 Security / Bug … Read More